Hi there. Looks you are interested in Ingress portal search. I can help you with it.
But, first you need to understand some rules.
First of all, don't use TOR. Use your real IP. It's faster. I will not tell anyone your IP, but i want to have ability to ban anyone.
Second, do not download all my database. You don't need it. You always may use search with my API, and portals database is updating every minute.
Third, if you have any new portal related information - you may share it with me.
Next, if you want to get information about new portals in your area - take a look at @IngressPortalBot. It can do that in telegram.
Finally, you may contact with me @Lanched.

Here you will see some examples for my API.


call: https://lanched.ru/PortalGet/getPortals.php
Script allows getting portals in selected area (box).
Input parameters:
nelat - North border latitude
nelng - East border longitude

swlat - South border latitude
swlng - West border longitude

offset - current offset. By default, API gives 1000 portals per request.

telegram (optional) - returns also addresses and images. Also, limits return in 50 results - its useful for using in telegram bots.
You can use both JSONP or curl requests.



call: https://lanched.ru/PortalGet/searchPortals.php
Script allows searching portal near selected point
Input parameters:
lat - latitude of selected point
lng - longitude of selected point
query - search string
offset - search offset
Search string can be - portal GUID, Intel link, full name, part of name or part of name\full name with part of address of that portal.
You can use both JSONP or curl requests.